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Tage außerhalb der Zeit : Die Rauhnächte
Die Rauhnächte sind die Nächte und Tage die sich aus der Differenz des Sonnen- und Mondkalenders ergeben, Schriften über die Rauhnächte gehen bereits bis ins 16. Jahrhundert zurück und wurden seitdem im europäischen Raum zelebriert.
Jede der zwölf Rauhnächte steht für einen Monat des kommenden Jahres.
Community Events : The Soneiro Singing Circles
In the summer of 2020, we gathered outside to join together and sing for our singing circles. Read all about our vision behind the circles, our fundraiser for the shipibo-conibo and watch a video about the power of these events.
Einblick in unsere Soneiro Klangmeditations-Ausbildung
Faszinieren dich heilsame Klänge? Fragst du dich, wie man mit Klang Menschen tief berührt? Erhalte einen Einblick in unsere klangvolle Reise während der Soneiro Klangmeditations-Ausbildung im Juli 2020
One Oneness Interview : Temple Haze
Laura Vendesceour from Paris joined our Mallorca Retreat in 2019 and interviewed our co-founder Temple Haze, going through his journey from rocknroll to yoga and meditation, the healing power of sound, and the affects of music/sound on our mind/body. Enjoy this informative and inspiring interview!
Behind the scenes of our Asatoma production
Read more about the translation and meaning about the Mantra that we just released and get a glimpse into our creative process. The work on the cover art was a very beautiful and special happening, involving the curious presence of a Kindergarden group.
Erfahrungsbericht Chakra-Meditation
“In diesem Moment habe ich mir gewünscht, dass alle Menschen dieses Erfahren von absolutem Frieden und Fülle erleben könnten, denn das hätte die Kraft, einen Wandel in der Gesellschaft auszulösen.”
Lese die Erfahrungsberichte von Pascale nach einer unserer Chakra-Meditationen.
Ra Ma Da Sa : Behind the Music
Ra Ma Da Sa is one of our favourite mantras, such a peaceful yet powerful mantra; one we have always been singing it in our mantra singing circles. The chord progression was originally brought to us by Gerdus Oosthuizen, one of our key team musicians, whose melody and chord structure shaped the song.
The Sanctuary Experience
Since 2016 we have been bringing yoga, meditation, sound journeys, women´s circles and consciousness work to festivals. Since 2018 we started to curate full festival stages with our conscious program. In 2019 we created and curated a full stage and conscious area ourselves. Working overtime, skype calls with the festival organizers, vintage and decoration hunting in Pushkar and Rishikesh (India), hours and hours of planning, crafting and creating the vision.
Monochord Sonata : Behind the Music
This ambient instrumental was composed in a moment of inspiration. An improvised, experimental counterpoint between upright piano and monochord (a 39 stringed wooden, sound therapy instrument, with all strings tuned to the same note), the sonata brews with contemplation and meditation. Go on a journey with the monochord Sonata.
Interview with One Oneness : Alisa Reimer – Integrating the Invisible
Laura Vendesceour from Paris visited us in winter 2018 in Berlin to interview our co-founder Alisa Reimer, covering many deep topics such as her spiritual journey, her personal values and morals, working with Soneiro and much more. Enjoy this informative and inspiring interview!