Explore - Learn - Grow
The Benefits of Sound Therapy
Based on various scientific studies, sound therapy improves mental focus and clarity, helps in treating anxiety and depression, improves sleep and helps with insomnia, reduces stress and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, and reduces sensations of pain caused by cancer, fibromyalgia and other diseases.
What is Deep Listening?
Deep listening is a transformative practice central to sound meditation and therapy. It goes beyond merely hearing sounds; it involves fully engaging with the auditory experience in a mindful way.
Unlock Your Voice
Exploring the Benefits of Holistic Singing and How to Open Your Vocal Potential. The human voice is one of the most powerful and innate tools for sound healing. But why is it so? In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of opening the voice and share practical techniques to help you experience them firsthand.
Soneiro at Reethaus
On November 24, the Reethaus will host an immersive, spatialized listening experience of ATTUNE. Visitors will have the opportunity to experience ATTUNE through a 360-degree spatial sound system by Wax programmed in partnership with the pioneering spatial sound collective Monom.
Soneiro in New York City
Soneiro’s first museum collaboration: Soneiro is part of an immersive sound installation that just inaugurated at the Museum of Art and Technology in New York City.
The Sound Temple @ Medicine Festival
This harmonious stage was a birthing, with so many hands and visions involved. The Sound Temple became a safe haven for all festival goers to ground, to go into the heart, and feel held.
Sound and Altered States of Consciousness
An exploration into how sound meditation can induce deep states of consciousness.
Sound for Trauma Release and Deep Listening
In this essay Maria-Lisa explores the link between Nada Yoga and the work of Dr. Peter Lavine. Maria-Lisa took part in The Spirit of Sound Online Training in fall 2022. This text is her final essay of the training.
Die Welt ist Klang | Artikel im Yoga Journal
In dieser Ausgabe des Yoga Journals Deutschland gibt es Texte von Alisa über die Magie des Klangs und die Kraft der Instrumente zu lesen sowie mehrere Seiten wunderschöner Bilder aus unserem Klangatelier, dem Jade Raum in Potsdam.
Der Rauhnächte Online Kurs von SONEIRO COLLECTIVE - Mein Wegweiser für das neue Jahr.
Friederike hat im letzten jahr an unserem Rauhnächte Online Kurs teilgenommen und sich viel Zeit für ihre magische Reise in den Rauhnächten genommen. Im Blogartikel berichtet sie von ihrer Erfahrung.
Inti | Medicine Music Release
Inti is an ancient medicine song from the Andes, a song that has been passed down over time. We are honored to share our version of this song with you.
Eine Reise für die Sinne - Das Räuchern
In diesem Artikel tauchen wir in die Welt des Räucherns ein. Lerne über Anlässe, Ablauf und Wirkung des Räucherns und wie auch du dies zum Bestandteil deines Alltags machen kannst. Zu guter letzt stelle ich dir ein paar der bekannten Inhaltsstoffe vor, die du in einigen unserer Räuchermischungen finden kannst.
Zwischen schimmernden Wellen von Meer und Klang: Soneiro Retreat an der Ostsee
Unser jährlicher Yoga & Meditationsretreat an der Ostsee findet vom 20.-25. Juli statt. Tauche ein mit uns in die mystische Welt der Ostsee. Erfahre mehr über die Ostsee Mythologie in diesem Artikel
How Sound Saved My Life | An Exploration with Temple Hayes
Co-Founder Temple Hayes writes about his personal history and the process of understanding the power of sound.